Application Review & Advice via  Email Initial Legal Advice at Our Office Representation on your behalf to the UKBA/Home Office
  • This is our "One Off Service" for those who have started making their applications. If your application is yet to be submitted to the Home Office, you may have it review for ERROR.
  • Once you let us know the type of application you are making. We shall help you check every relevant sections of the application with the information you have provided on the application for error. We shall also help you by reviewing all the documents you are about to send with your application.
  • At the end of our review, we shall advice you as to the strength and weakness of your application in accordance with the UK Immigration Rules.
  • We may suggest other documents that may be required of you and make a list of these relevant documents for your attention.
  • Visit our city office for a professional and friendly immigration lawyer's advice today !!  
  • we charge £100.00 for this service. Payment must be made in advance.
  • We would only arrange Option 1 feedback appointment with you in order to discuss the strength/weakness of your case after our professional fee including all your relevant supporting documents have been received by us . This is a delegate service and will not give right to a client relationship with us unless a valid agreement is signed by you under Option 3 service.
  • his option is for those who are not familiar with the type of application they are about to make
  • WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU:- During your initial consultation with us. There will be an opportunity for you to discuss any queries you
    may have and what you want us to do for you.
  • At the end of your consultation with us, we shall advice you as to the strength and weakness of your claim in accordance with the Immigration Rules.
  • We will give you advice that will help you proceed to the next level of making your application by  explaining the requirements of the UK Border Agency so that you can provide the necessary documents you need to support your application. We charge £35.00 for this service if you are not eligible for free Initial legal Advice. Please note that due to high number of delegates on our Free Initial Immigration Advice and Assessment Waiting List. We may charge you a consultation fee regardless of your eligibility criteria for this option 2 if you request for appointment other than Wednesday Morning and your request is made less than 4-5 weeks in advance. This is a delegate service and will not give right to a client relationship with us unless a valid agreement is signed by you under Option 3 service.
  • Self Serve Appointment Bookings Available @ Our City Centre Office: 2 Princes Exchange; Princes Square; Leeds; LS1 4HY <Get Direction Here>

  • Following your Initial Consultation Advice with us, If you decide to instruct us to represent you in your immigration matter.
  • WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU:- We shall open a case file for you. This mean that you have become our active client and that you are entitle to ongoing advice and support from us concerning your immigration matter.
  • We shall help you draft a legally based covering letter with your application to the UKBA / Home Office. Our covering letter will explain any relevant requirements that we believe you have satisfied under the Immigration rules.
  • Progress About Your Immigration Matter:- Once your application is logged at Home Office/ UKBA. We shall try our best to keep you inform about any progress concerning your immigration matter.
  • We shall from time to time notify the UKBA / Home Office about your immigration matter and the need for your immigration matter to be decided as as soon as possible.
  • We may instruct an Expert  (i.e. Medical / Interpreter) on your behalf if this is required in other to support your claim. NOTE: We usually offer a Fixed- Fee scale until a decision is reached on your case. Our Fee for this service depends upon the type of service required by you including various factors such as complexity of your case and how long it takes to gather evidence in support of your case before submission. This will be discussed with you during your Option 2 Initial legal Advice session.

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